
GNU/Linux Habba blurb on Mid-Day hpn April 11, 2008 - 19:05
GNU/Linux Habba Mid-Day Bangalore carried a blurb about GNU/Linux Habba yesterday. Check the IT-Adda Column (Page 9) April 10, 2008.

More Store: A pathetic store, an open letter

Submitted by hpn on March 27, 2008 - 18:28
Hello all at MoreStore, We walked into your Store at Nagarbhavi, Bengaluru partly curious to witness to what extent Aditya Birla has changed Fabmall :-) But I should say that I was very disappointed with the quality of supply and the unpolished attitude of apparently untrained personnel. Several goods that are well beyond their declared shelf life (expiry) are still dogging for customer's attention. Soft Drinks with labels stripped off, Soft Drinks with leaked bottles, Dusty packs of fruit juice, stale vegetables (at the door and inside) are mostly to be seen.