
Beg your pardon, Guruji

Submitted by hpn on July 26, 2007 - 18:48
On a server where we have few slightly useful websites, some "Guruji bot" has been hitting badly for almost a week now. On delving into it a bit, we found that all the other [:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack|DoS] like flood also came from IPs allocated to Guruji.com. Apparently, Guruji is a new "Indian Search Engine" and it is continuing the glorious tradition by labeling itself "beta". The similarity to the you-know-which seems to end there.
Re-write with Apache2 - one trivial stuff that Apache 1.x users might usually tend to overlook hpn April 26, 2007 - 09:49
I've had to remind myself this every time I upgrade the distributions on my Workstations and notebook.