
Third edition of Krushi Sampada is now available hpn December 2, 2009 - 10:06

Third edition of Krushi Sampada is now available. There is a special feature on BT Brinjal and its implications in this edition.

Download the e-magazine:

ಕೃಷಿ ಸಂಪದ ಮೂರನೆಯ ಸಂಚಿಕೆ

(Third Edition, December 2009)


Kannada translation of Rilke's "Letters To A Young Poet"

Submitted by hpn on December 10, 2008 - 09:39
Professor O L Nagabushana Swamy had translated Rilke's "Letters To A Young Poet" to Kannada. This came as a book last week, titled "ಯುವಕವಿಗೆ ಬರೆದ ಪತ್ರಗಳು" at Gandhi Sahithya Sangha, Malleshwaram. I usually stay away from public events, but this one was an exception. Rashtrakavi G S S was there, and so were several familiar faces. I also got a chance to meet several members from Sampada community.

9th edition of podcast on Sampada with Vivek Shanbag and Status Update

Submitted by hpn on January 24, 2008 - 09:09

Limitation in funds, time have stalled improvements on Sampada for a while. The fact that we never expected traffic to burgeon into what it has during last 12 months on Sampada also added to it (we have been getting over 3 million hits each month). Need for better infrastructure has put a roadblock on new projects which has made few of us contemplate a lot on what needs to be done with Sampada and related projects in future.

A morning spent watching "good" Kannada Cinema hpn November 5, 2007 - 07:47

For years now, we've had very less of quality films in Kannada, and here is one cinema that is good on quality, but never got to the theatres. Distributors here fancy films that have songs, dance and crazy fights which on most occasions merely are low quality mockery of Bollywood/Hollywood. Sadly, it is the song and dance films that bring in huge moolah for them as art films go untried.

Kannada Update hpn October 31, 2007 - 17:04
[:|Prajavani] has [:|carried an article today] that mentions [:|Sampada]. I was unaware of it until some of my friends sent me messages citing this. We've had 60+ registrations in just one day today (on Sampada) and the server was going through all sorts of problem bungling under heavy load (which was already because of several other reasons).

Kannada Videocast and Podcast: Science writing in Kannada

Submitted by hpn on August 10, 2007 - 19:38
Videocast and Podcast of the interview with G T Narayana Rao (in Kannada language)
When almost everyone seemed to have thought we were done with podcasts at [:|Sampada], we've done it again. This time, we have an episode which marks the first of several podcasts about writing Science and Technology in Kannada. There are several new stuff this time.

Yay! now Planet Kannada has its own domain

Submitted by hpn on June 24, 2007 - 19:12
Planet Kannada which was at [:] previously, now has its own domain. Readers can access it now at [:]. :) Pass the URL to friends and let all others interested know. It also has a nice new interface now, thanks to all the mails that brought my attention to it. More updates would be added and the pending addition requests would be attended to as soon as possible. Hope you'll all enjoy the aggregation of Kannada, Kannada related blogs.

On Agriculture, on Sampada

Submitted by hpn on May 4, 2007 - 06:00
I used to follow Sham's writings about Agriculture and related issues [:|on his blog]. Some of them sounded quite interesting to me at that point. But now, after several months, I find some of his recent write-ups, views about agriculture very serious and mature at what it is dealing with. Some of the things related to this that I discussed with him off-line elevated my respect for his views many times.