G T Narayana Rao, a Kannada writer well known for his write-ups on Science and Technology has been awarded Kannada Rajyotsava Prashasti this year. He was the editor for Science section of Kannada Vishvakosha - the largest encyclopaedia in Kannada.
Few months back, we had done a [:http://sampada.net/video/1|Videocast] and [:http://sampada.net/podcasts/8/G-T-Narayana-Rao|Podcast with G T…
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[:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prajavani|Prajavani] has [:http://prajavaniepaper.com/pdf/2007/10/31/20071031d_003100002.jpg|carried an article today] that mentions [:http://sampada.net|Sampada]. I was unaware of it until some of my friends sent me messages citing this. We've had 60+ registrations in just one day today (on Sampada)…
The [:http://savekannada.googlepages.com|SaveKannada campaign] coordinating team [:http://savekannada.googlepages.com/responseto%22clarifications%22givenb…|has responded to the lame clarifications] given by Microsoft on [:http://www.hindu.com/2007/10/14/stories/2007101459780500.htm…