
Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ)

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ಬದುಕು ಜಟಕಾಬಂಡಿ, ವಿಧಿಯದರ ಸಾಹೇಬ | ಕುದುರೆ ನೀನ್, ಅವನು ಪೇಳ್ದಂತೆ ಪಯಣಿಗರು || ಮದುವೆಗೋ ಮಸಣಕೋ ಹೋಗೆಂದ ಕಡೆಗೋಡು || ಪದಕುಸಿಯೆ ನೆಲವಿಹುದು -- ಮಂಕುತಿಮ್ಮ || Kannada language is my mother tongue. I'm proud and passionate about reading, writing and speaking Kannada. This page was created when I had the first ever web page of mine with some html pages on it. There were not many Kannada pages to be seen then on the Internet (at least in Unicode). Things have changed quite a lot in between. There's lot of content now in Kannada.