
Privacy Policy :: WikiTrack app on Android and iOS

WikiTrack collects the Wikimedia Username entered into the app, information on the projects visited (listed by language) and projects remembered by the user so that these can be run through the Wikimedia metrics to study the impact. The data collected shall be used only for global metrics and in measuring impact of the project.



Wikimedia India

Submitted by hpn on March 8, 2010 - 11:20

Back in 2004, we used to have discussions on how to improve Indian language projects on Wikipedia and related projects. It was then that the discussions had also channeled towards a probable Indian Chapter that could provide support and backing for the local community and the local projects. At that time, there were just a few chapters worldwide.

Weekend log

Submitted by hpn on December 16, 2008 - 16:52
It was a busy weekend, last one. On Saturday morning I had to dust curtains, vacuum the floor of the entire house as my sister had called up and said she would be moving in for couple of days to be with mother. She wouldn't like it if it isn't clean and things aren't organized! And then Murali was here to discuss about Tech Sampada, which is a new initiative on Sampada that we're coming up with (with an ambitious plan of getting people to write about technology, and developments surrounding technology in Kannada). Interviews we had recorded with Prof. U R Rao, Prof.
The errors on Wikipedia Logo hpn June 25, 2007 - 20:31
Wikipedia logo The incorrect characters on the Wikipedia logo [:|has now made it to the New York Times] as news. There were numerous people wondering about the incorrect characters (easily four of them for Indians), and many had started talking about it on Wiki last year.
Top 100 articles on Kannada Wikipedia hpn September 21, 2006 - 05:46
[:…|Edward Chernenko] of [:|Russian Wikipedia] has put across [:|this very nice tool] that counts the hits that various language Wikipedias receive (Javascript snippet needs to be inserted on wiki to get it started, though). For many months now, Wikimedia has not been keeping page hit statistics on Wikipedia project since they add up to the load on the servers.

Kannada Wikisource is now on a separate domain

Submitted by hpn on July 12, 2006 - 17:21
Thanks largely to [:|Manohar], [:|Wikisource Kannada] is now a very active project and recently got its own domain, too. Visit the project and [:|contribute], take part. Don't let the initial Main page template scare you.