Debian Etch and hp nx6120

Submitted by hpn on March 31, 2008 - 08:56
debian It was a long time since I installed debian on my laptop. Unsupported hardware issues dogged it the last time I tried it on this (which seems years back). But this time, it was really worth giving a shot. I found Debian sleek, more nostalgic than any other present distribution. It is probably the best distribution to work with. But the old kernel that is shipped with etch had some ACPI related issues. And sound wasn't there. I had to download and compile the latest Kernel after which everything is good.
GPLv3 is out hpn June 30, 2007 - 06:17
[:|GPLv3 is finally out] - After all the debates, drafts and discussions. Here's the [:|Translation README] if anyone's interested in translating it to the local languages. And here's the [:|GPL-FAQ] (via /.)