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Shri Madhbhagavat Gita in Sanskrit (the original form) is available on the net on wikisource! It has been typed in Devangari script and is available under GPL…
Few weeks back, an e-mail had crowned me a winner of some lottery I never heard of or participated in... Today, I get this ;) damn, the spam!
Greetings from me and my family, Getting your contact was not an easy task because since I am not computer literate, I ordered my son to seek a partner very far away and he went to the institute of International Business to apply and he paid them the charges. After two days we were given three names and I did not write the three but merely…
Searching about netaji, I came across this excellent resource on Netaji and his stories. "It is blood alone that can avenge the blood that the enemy has spilt. It is blood alone that can pay the price of…