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Here's a nice write-up on 'Patents and Linux'. Found it while going through Miguel de icaza's Activity log. Nice one :)
Surprise was awaiting me, when I searched for 'Deccan Herald', on google. The very first link on the results page said "Deccan Herald is no longer available " & "This link will lead you to the latest news from India" and the link lead me to this website. And should I tell you the website had…
(life... sigh!) I feel like a drone, all these days... with nothing solid happening in my job status. Attended wipro interview, in the week that passed. Didn't do well at all, actually. Hope to see some oppurtunities coming my way this week. For a change, though, I re-arranged my haunting place (my room :D), just for a bit of change. Bought some books. Scanned few photos and put them on DA... Good thing is that, I'm back to the good ol' habit…