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Back in 2004, we used to have discussions on how to improve Indian language projects on Wikipedia and related projects. It was then that the discussions had also channeled towards a probable Indian Chapter that could provide support and backing for the local community and the local projects. At that time, there were just a few chapters worldwide.

We have since then had attempts almost every year to form an Indian Chapter. Most of us involved in each of these attempts were…

Some sparrows caught on lens on the way to Chitradurga the day before:




"As easier as it gets, as simple as it can be" - this is the present Debian at its testing version. I was fortunate enough to get a copy of the debian mirror from Ravi, a hacker and GNU/Linux enthusiast who is also part of the Sampada team. Now updating the mirror is easy. I'm no big fan of Ubuntu unlike many of my friends, but Ubuntu has its place too in my office…