Need gmail account?

Submitted by hpnadig on August 24, 2004 - 08:17
UPDATE: (March 2005) There are loads of gmail invites with me now. Just ask! (you can help get rid of them). Even freegmailinvites has stopped taking donations. ok, I've just got two more invites. I remember many of you asking me for gmail invites previously... But don't remember who all had asked for it! So, the first ones to ask me for an account, will get one each from the gmail invites I have ;) Update: 6 more invites! whew! All those who're still looking for it, can help me get rid of them. Update: (Feb 2005) Looks like google's become far more generous to gmail seekers now... I've been getting 50 invites to give away each time. So, all those who (still) need it, can just leave their email address here. Note : If yours is a yahoo, hotmail address, please check the bulk mail folder of your account once you leave your mail id here.