Yahoo! blocks third party IM clients...

Submitted by hpnadig on June 24, 2004 - 09:12
Starting from yesterday, yahoo! has started blocking the third party IM clients. This, unfortunately, includes even our favourite client on linux, the gaim . :( (from "By making frequent protocol changes, it is our expectation that spammers will be blocked from abusing our system to spam our users" "Spammers are being aided by entities that are abusing our systems, where they effortlessly gain knowledge of pathways and back-alley access to send spam," -- is what yahoo has officially announced about this. What makes all this look weird, is the news that it is letting *select partners* to access the messaging network and offer integrated products and services. This might be a good deal for yahoo, but largely unfair, since people might've to download different clients for each service. For Linux users, though, this is worse since yahoo messenger on Linux isn't quite like the one available on windows. Whatever is, it is an unfortunate and sad thing, that yahoo went about doing this...