
Kannada Update

Submitted by hpn on October 31, 2007 - 17:04
[:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prajavani|Prajavani] has [:http://prajavaniepaper.com/pdf/2007/10/31/20071031d_003100002.jpg|carried an article today] that mentions [:http://sampada.net|Sampada]. I was unaware of it until some of my friends sent me messages citing this. We've had 60+ registrations in just one day today (on Sampada) and the server was going through all sorts of problem bungling under heavy load (which was already because of several other reasons).

Kannada Videocast and Podcast: Science writing in Kannada

Submitted by hpn on August 10, 2007 - 19:38
Videocast and Podcast of the interview with G T Narayana Rao (in Kannada language)
When almost everyone seemed to have thought we were done with podcasts at [:http://sampada.net|Sampada], we've done it again. This time, we have an episode which marks the first of several podcasts about writing Science and Technology in Kannada. There are several new stuff this time.

Beg your pardon, Guruji

Submitted by hpn on July 26, 2007 - 18:48
On a server where we have few slightly useful websites, some "Guruji bot" has been hitting badly for almost a week now. On delving into it a bit, we found that all the other [:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack|DoS] like flood also came from IPs allocated to Guruji.com. Apparently, Guruji is a new "Indian Search Engine" and it is continuing the glorious tradition by labeling itself "beta". The similarity to the you-know-which seems to end there.

The errors on Wikipedia Logo

Submitted by hpn on June 25, 2007 - 20:31
Wikipedia logo The incorrect characters on the Wikipedia logo [:http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/25/technology/25wikipedia.html|has now made it to the New York Times] as news. There were numerous people wondering about the incorrect characters (easily four of them for Indians), and many had started talking about it on Wiki last year.

Yay! now Planet Kannada has its own domain

Submitted by hpn on June 24, 2007 - 19:12
Planet Kannada which was at [:http://planet.sampada.net] previously, now has its own domain. Readers can access it now at [:http://www.planetkannada.com]. :) Pass the URL to friends and let all others interested know. It also has a nice new interface now, thanks to all the mails that brought my attention to it. More updates would be added and the pending addition requests would be attended to as soon as possible. Hope you'll all enjoy the aggregation of Kannada, Kannada related blogs.

Mysore AkashvaNi: Conversation about Kannada on Internet

Submitted by hpn on April 23, 2007 - 12:25
[:http://mysorepost.wordpress.com/|Rasheed] just called me up to inform that there will be a program telecast tomorrow on Mysore Akashvani (FM 100.6, Mysore) about Kannada on Internet. The program is a live conversation scheduled at around 8.00 AM. Catch it if you're in Mysore.
Kannada Translations of RMS's articles hpn April 23, 2007 - 12:08
I have been translating some of [:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman|RMS]'s articles to Kannada.

Best of 'Sampada'

Submitted by hpn on April 12, 2007 - 11:17
Finally, something we had planned for a long time now has been getting its shape. [:http://sampada.net/docs/2898/the_best_of_sampada|Best of 'Sampada'] is a book that you can read on-line comprising of the very best Kannada articles posted during last two years on Sampada. All articles have been classified under the taxonomies they were tagged in. Feedback, suggestions for improvement [:http://sampada.net/contact|are all welcome].

Setting SCIM as default Input Method on Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy

Submitted by hpn on December 17, 2006 - 12:19
Many people have asked me about this, so let me point to this wonderful piece of documentation on Ubuntu Wiki. [:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InputMethods/SCIM/Setup] and if you're still stuck wondering why GTK IM Module isn't working for you on OpenOffice, there's [:http://www.scim-im.org/wiki/faq/gtk_gnome/why_i_can_not_input_with_scim…|another] [:http://www.scim-im.org/wiki/documentation/installation_and_configuratio…|wonderful piece of documentation] for you.